Friendship Exchange » 2018


Friendship Exchange Highlights
We're back from homestay and go to the Kaiyukan
Back from home stay so soon? As the teachers greeted the students, there were many sad faces. Was it because they were sad to see us or they were sad to leave their homestay family? Or both?
We quickly departed for Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan. We saw a variety of sea creatures from around the ring of fire. Sea otters, penguins, dolphins, manta rays and whale sharks, oh my! 
Next was lunch and shopping at Tempozan Harbor Village. I don't think they've eaten lunch so quickly. The incentive was, the faster you eat the more time you have for shopping.
It's raining, it's pouring...a lot of tears were shed at the Farewell Party by students and chaperones. The last time they saw their homestay family and the last time we saw the teachers.
Finally, back to the hotel for packing and rest from a busy homestay.
Parents, we'll try to post from Narita airport but if we can't. We'll see you in Hawaii. 
Ms. Tajiri
Visiting Kiyomizu Dera and Homestay begins!
Today we visited Kiyomizu dera where we learned a little about Buddhism. We visited a few areas of this UNESCO World Heritage site. The Main Hall with its wooden stage, the "Love Stones" and drank water from the Otowa waterfall for good fortune. We then went shopping down the main path and ate a few snacks along the way.
Our next stop was a ninja restaurant. An all you can eat buffet of Japanese and American food. Oh, and of course, all you can eat dessert.
Next, back to Otemon School for our Tea Party. Here your children ate a light snack performed and met their host family. 
With a little sadness in us, we sent them off with their new family knowing they're in good hands. Our next post will be on Friday when your children return from homestay. So, until Friday....
Ms. Tajiri
We visit Otemon Gakuin and Osaka Castle
Today was a typical school day for your children at Otemon Gakuin. As we entered the school, we were greeted by the many cheers of the first and second graders? We then attended a Welcome Ceremony where they performed their Hawaiian chant and hula. Here is where they met their host for the first time. Then they went to visit first and second grade classes where they played a variety of games. Next, they attended a Kendo classes. Here they learned how to master the katana ( bamboo) sword. Then they visited their host's homeroom class, ate lunch with them and went to recess.  Finally, they attended an English class and a shodo (calligraphy) class. 
After saying goodbye we headed to Osaka Castle.
A lot of interesting historical facts were learned here. After climbing  & descending 8 stories, they were ready for dinner.
It was a whirlwind day but they all were very excited and happy to meet their host.
Tomorrow will be another exciting day..homestay.
Until then parents..Ms Tajiri
Ramen and Deer!
Nissan Ramen Museum. One of the highlights of this trip. The students actually put some elbow grease into making their ramen. I don't think they realized how difficult it was to make ramen. After the students used up their energy to make ramen, we had lunch at the food court in Expocity.
Then on to Nara's Todaiji Temple and Deer Park. They visited the biggest bronze Buddha and the second largest wood structure, Daibutsuden. All of them fed the "bowing" deer which I think they spent a lot of money on. I think those deer aure a few pounds heavier once our students were done.

Dinner, what can I say, it was a seven course meal which I think most of them could not finish. After dinner we had performance practice. Considering they had a full day, they looked good. You would be proud of them, parents. I can't wait for the actual performance tomorrow. 
Until then....
We're off to Japan!
It was a long flight over but we made it! When we landed it was Saturday night and we were greeted at the airport by 2 Otemon teachers. We then took a bus to the hotel and had dinner. After that, it was time for a shower and then straight to bed.